Monday, December 1, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

November 24th 2014
Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

 I picked these 5 photos because, I like the color blue in the first picture. For the second picture was when there is an empty space because I love when there are a few people around me and hate it when there is a lot of people around me. For the third photo I picked it because it was forgotten and it needed some love and it needs to be remembered. In the fourth picture I like it because it would be cool to look at some stuff in a birds eye view, also you can see almost the whole thing instead of taking from the ground and only getting one part of the image. For the fifth one it's cool because I like the Oscars and I like the logo and it reminds of me of good memories. This assignment was about you have to go out and find some pictures that the teacher gives you and then you have to put them into a contact sheet. Then you have to put into the blog and explain why you have all those photos and then you turn it in.
Here is my Contact sheet.

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