Thursday, November 20, 2014



I don't really know a lot about editing, but I do know a little bit of photograph. A photograph is when you take a picture of something. That is what I know about photos. Also I do take pictures but I don't really try the best and make it look really good. When you take photos their are some steps but they are easy. You put the camera up to your eye and then you find the best thing to take a picture of and then you push a button and then you see if you got a really good picture. I do a little bit of editing even though I don't know how you edit your photo. I make sure that it does not have any bad things and then I post it to the people. I really don;t know how to edit them but you make sure that you don't have anything bad. The background could be good but if you want a great photo then you want to have a good background. That is what I know about photos  

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