Sunday, November 23, 2014

Infographic review

November 23rd 2014

If you are an athlete you need to read this info graphic about sport violence. I think this blog will help you learn how many people have gotten arrested for doing all kinds of bad things. Make sure if you are just playing a game in the yard play 2 hand touch and not tackle that is how you can get hurt really bad. If you are wanting to be an athlete be extra careful and make sure to follow the rules on and off the field, that is why you need to make sure to do all the things and don't make bad decisions.

Thursday, November 20, 2014



I don't really know a lot about editing, but I do know a little bit of photograph. A photograph is when you take a picture of something. That is what I know about photos. Also I do take pictures but I don't really try the best and make it look really good. When you take photos their are some steps but they are easy. You put the camera up to your eye and then you find the best thing to take a picture of and then you push a button and then you see if you got a really good picture. I do a little bit of editing even though I don't know how you edit your photo. I make sure that it does not have any bad things and then I post it to the people. I really don;t know how to edit them but you make sure that you don't have anything bad. The background could be good but if you want a great photo then you want to have a good background. That is what I know about photos  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Info Graphics

  • What is an info graphic
  • What do info graphics do?
  • How do they work? 
  • What makes a really good info graphic
 Info graphic is where there is a photo and it has data or statistics of what is on that picture.
 Info graphics does, takes peoples pictures and tells people what this picture is about and why they picked this picture and helps you understand a more better picture in words.
 Info graphics work when, people are on the internet and let covert marketers and advisers see what the picture is about and let them see what is happening. Most of the time all the people that are looking at info graphics they have to grade and see what they did right and wrong. What makes a really good info graphic is when there is a picture and they say what the picture is about, also they got to tell them how it started and how it stopped. That is what an info graphic is, and how it works.